New York N.Y. 10028
"Nature gives to every time and Season some beauties of its own." - Charles Darwin
Ethical concerns are being raised regarding cloning and whether forms of life can or should be recreated by circumventing the natural order of things. What can we expect when nature's bounty and science meet? These paintings and drawings visually represent these futuristic hybrids.
The New York Times art critic, Vivian Raynor noted: "In addition to a flair for the macabre, Ms. Sgarlata has two virtues that are seldom found together: a precise style and a good sense of color."
Still Life Paintings - Oil on Canvas and Wood (selected )
Drawings - Oil on Vellum with Computer-generated "cloned" Images and Silk Thread (selected)
"Nature gives to every time and Season some beauties of its own." - Charles Darwin
Ethical concerns are being raised regarding cloning and whether forms of life can or should be recreated by circumventing the natural order of things. What can we expect when nature's bounty and science meet? These paintings and drawings visually represent these futuristic hybrids.
The New York Times art critic, Vivian Raynor noted: "In addition to a flair for the macabre, Ms. Sgarlata has two virtues that are seldom found together: a precise style and a good sense of color."
Still Life Paintings - Oil on Canvas and Wood (selected )
Drawings - Oil on Vellum with Computer-generated "cloned" Images and Silk Thread (selected)
Hybrid Strawberries
Oil on Canvas 30"x30" 2009 SOLD
Hybrid Flower Still Life
Oil on Canvas 30"x30" 2009 SOLD
Hybrid Pears
Oil on Canvas 11"x14" 2009
Hybrid Apples
Oil on Canvas 11"x14" 2009
Hybrid Rose & Daisy
Oil on Vellum with Silk Thread 9"x30" each 2009
Hybrid Rose & Leaf
Oil on Vellum with Silk Thread 9"x30" each 2009